Stirling Technologies, Inc. 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MyApp2 MyApp Understanding MIDI & Synthesis% voycdrun /t"History of Keyboards" /c"% midisyn\mididem.exe"$ midisyn\mididem.exe History of Keyboards% voycdrun /t"History of Keyboards" /c"% keyboard\histkeys.exe"$ keyboard\histkeys.exe About the Program% voycdrun /t"History of Keyboards & Introduction to MIDI" /h"% help\about.hlp$ manual.ico MediaCheck% voycdrun /t"History of Keyboards" /c"% mediachk\mediachk.exe"$ mediachk\mediachk.exe Voyetra Product Catalog% voycdrun /t"History of Keyboards & Introduction to MIDI" /h"% help\cat32.hlp$ manualb.ico Voyetra Product Catalog% voycdrun /t"History of Keyboards & Introduction to MIDI" /h"% help\cat16.hlp$ manualb.ico Uninstall% uninst16.exe$ 3.00.072